How to Identify Freon Leaks in Your A/C | Monroe AC Service Miami
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How to Identify Freon Leaks in Your A/C | Monroe AC Service Miami

A lot of air conditioners these days function with the help of Freon. It is a solvent that can be recharged from a liquid form to gas. When this happens, a natural cooling effect occurs. Without the proper amount of freon, your air conditioning units might not function properly.

Here are the signs that will help you identify Freon leaks:

Air Temperature

Do you feel that the air coming from your vent is not as cold as it used to be? It might be because there's already an internal leak and your a/c unit is struggling to cool the air to your desired temperature.

Hissing Sounds

You might hear some hissing sound coming from the holes or cracks in the coils that circulate the refrigerant. There could be a variety of problems, but the Freon leak might be one of them.

Long Run Times

Your thermostat only deactivates your air conditioner when the desired temperature is achieved indoors. If your A/C is unable to expel cold air due to a Freon leak, the run time of your unit will drastically increase.

Frozen Coils

When the refrigerant levels circulating through the evaporator coils are insufficient, the coil will not adequately absorb heat. This will result in the condensation on the coils to freeze. Sometimes the frozen condensation will begin to melt and drip on the floor. Though ice on the evaporator coil might not seem alarming, it could lead to a system breakdown and could translate into an expensive repair such as a compressor replacement.

High Energy Bills

If an AC refrigerant leak is negatively impacting your comfort level and causing you to dial down the thermostat in the hope of getting cooler air, you will be using more electricity. Review your utility bill for inconsistent usage levels especially when compared to the same timeframe last year.


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